Saturday, March 5, 2022

Free NFts


Chop it into NFT's and sell it out 

We only ask full credit

And that half your profit 

Goes to charity.

Literally an economy

Of Interest

Worth as much as your willing to pay


My gift, my poison

My urge to be a society

Unto itself

A match to light a thousand fires

Offered freely


Competent or not

You get what you paid for.


Balls of energy in space

Fighting against gravity

Burdened with hand me down expectations 

Raised in a world lost to time.

Keep taking

I'm waking to

What I'm willing to give,

I've plenty more where this came from.

Old one

'I felt bad to have lost a finger, till I met a man without an arm'
Old Adage.

Beautiful face
Poisoned personality
Maybe if your face was flawed
It would balance you out mentally.

'How does it feel to be, one of the beautiful, people'
The Beatles

She had acne scars
And webbed toes
A heart of gold
Tarnished daily.

'Capitalism has made it this way'
Marilyn Manson

All the money to fix
To snip, nip, tuck and shave
Carve, sculpt, lift and suck
Till only an abomination
Unnatural remains